So I am pulling into my school parking lot this morning and end up with someone punching my car. Yes, punching my car. I do not know why, and am scared to even ask why. Most of these people, because I cannot say all, scare me. I mean, generations have gotten smarter but around where I live there is a lot of inbreeding. I do not condone it, but it is what it is. I think my car getting punched shows how poorly educated some generations are. On a good-ish note, I hope she broke her hand.
That does not even begin to describe how odd things are here. All last week during classes, we had a spirit week. Dressing up as different things each day was okay, but no one really cared about classes. I go to school to learn, I mean come on! If I am paying for my classes, of which I am, I want to learn things in them not sit around and do nothig the whole class period. Topping that off, Friday there was no classes at all. We just took the day off and did activities to boost everyone's school spirit. Did it raise mine? No. I wasted time doing things I did not want to to and was called things that I will not repeat for the sake of me not liking to use those words. Even the dance we had after our big win (50-0), people still had put me down. I understand I am not well like; I am perfectly okay with that. The words do not hurt because I have been called them for a long time, but it does get tiring.
So I basically just ranted a bit, but it is good to have things off my chest. I am serious though, I hope she broke her hand. My car is my baby, albeit it is a whole lot bigger than me, I really hope she shattered all he bones in her hand.
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